My Contribution to Learning
Initially, I chose to pursue my master's degree because it had always been a goal of mine. My husband finished his shortly after our graduation, but with young children, I had to postpone my plans until I found the time. Now, twelve years later, I feel truly thankful for this opportunity, as this program has influenced me both personally and professionally in ways I had not expected. This program has changed the way I think and impacted my teaching as well. Taking these two courses, there has definitely been a learning curve that I had to navigate through, but it has also been incredibly rewarding.

Reflection on What Works and What Can Be Improved
Looking back on my experiences in 5302 and 5304, I'm really proud of how I've stepped up and taken ownership of my learning. I have made it a point to really engage with the material. I have successfully met every deadline and in fact, most assignments were completed before they were due. I have been able to share them with my group and get their feedback before I submit. I’ve worked hard to manage my time effectively by creating a calendar for both courses so I can manage assignments for each course without feeling overwhelmed.
In 5302, I had some trouble figuring out exactly what Dr. Harrison wanted for our Growth Mindset assignment. Initially, I misunderstood and centered my assignment on my change initiative instead of myself on my growth mindset reflection. After receiving feedback from the professor, I realized my mistake and understood that the Growth Mindset needed to center on my personal learning journey. Taking that feedback into account, I went back, reflected on my approach, and made significant revisions. I worked to ensure the updated version better aligned with the assignment requirements while genuinely representing my beliefs and approach to learning. Discussing the focus of the assignments with Dr. Harrison helped clarify things, making my Learning Manifesto much easier to complete.
In 5304, our first assignment, “What’s Your Why” aligned with my Innovation Proposal. This connection made it much easier for me to complete the assignment. Mindset has had a profound impact on my approach to challenges and failure. By embracing a growth mindset, I've learned to view obstacles as opportunities for growth. By aligning my Influencer Strategy with Dweck’s principles, my district can create growth-oriented environments where all students thrive. This approach will encourage a mindset shift among teachers and students, focusing on progress and learning from failures. The Four Disciplines of Execution helped me move from ideas to action. Focusing on key goals, tracking progress, and maintaining accountability will structure the rollout of adaptive learning. This approach will bridge learning gaps, boost confidence, and help students meet goals. The 4DX framework will offer a structured plan for rolling out adaptive learning, ensuring a smooth transition in our educational practices.
We read several books this semester, but the two that particularly stood out to me, inspiring me to revisit them multiple times, were Carol Dweck's " Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” which was a key text in 5302, and "The Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX)" by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling, utilized in 5304.
In our Blackboard discussion forums for 5302 and 5304, I have made a genuine effort to be both an active supporter and contributor. In the previous half, we mainly engaged in discussions within our core group, which allowed us to become familiar with one another. This half has felt a bit more challenging for me, as I struggle with critiquing the work of other adults. Understanding the effort we all put into our assignments and recognizing our busy schedules, I have found it easier to approach feedback with empathy and encouragement. Instead of focusing solely on pointing out areas for improvement, I try to highlight the strengths and unique perspectives in each person’s work. I feel like being respectful of each other’s opinions and ideas has been an essential part of refining my communication skills.
Building and Contributing to the Core Collaboration Group
Collaborating closely with my core group has fostered a strong sense of community and teamwork. My core collaboration group includes Julia, Jana, Shaqueta, and Benjamin. We have been together since the start of the fall semester, collaborating through all four courses while maintaining constant communication with one another. We have created a positive and trusting atmosphere where we can rely on one another for honest and constructive feedback while also offering our different perspectives. It has been wonderful to collaborate with them and have peers who cheer each other on, both in our courses and in life.
Having taken the time to carefully reflect, I've chosen to evaluate my contributions to my recent educational experiences and the learning community. This reflective process has given me the opportunity to thoughtfully evaluate my personal growth, explore opportunities to build on my existing skills and focus on future development, and determine how I can best support my peers. I have rated myself a 92 in Concepts of Educational Technology EDLD 5302 and a 90 in Leading Organizational Change, EDLD 5304.
Dweck, C. (2016). Mindset: The new psychology of success (updated ed.). Random House.
Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The
new science of leading change. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
McChesney, C., Covey, S., Huling, J., (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution. New York, NY: Free Press.
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