Self-Assessment and Reflection

In line with Dee Fink’s belief that self-assessment is essential for developing as a self-directed learner, I have taken this opportunity to critically evaluate my contributions to my own learning as well as to the wider learning community throughout this course. While I have met the key contributions outlined in the rubric and have made considerable efforts in the supporting contributions, I realize that there is always room for growth. After reflecting on my performance, I have given myself a score of 91.

In EDLD 5313, I gained a deeper understanding of how Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE) and COVA (Choice, Ownership, and Voice through Authentic Learning) can transform student engagement. This directly connects to my Innovation Plan, which focuses on using adaptive learning to support special education students. The Growth Mindset principles reinforced the importance of helping students see challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles, something I strive to cultivate in my classroom.

One of the most impactful readings was "A New Culture of Learning" by Thomas and Brown, which pushed me to rethink traditional instruction and embrace student-driven learning. The Backward Design framework and Fink’s Taxonomy also provided practical ways to structure lessons that focus on deeper learning rather than memorization. These ideas will help ensure that adaptive learning in my district is meaningful and student-centered.


Key Contributions

Engagement in the Learning Community

A major strength of my participation in this course has been my collaboration with my core group, which includes Julia, Jana, Shaqueta, and Benjamin. We have been working together since the start of the fall semester, maintaining consistent communication and collaboration across all six courses. This ongoing partnership has allowed us to create a supportive and trusting environment where we can exchange ideas, provide constructive feedback, discuss course concepts, and assist each other in refining our work. It has been wonderful to collaborate with them and have peers who cheer each other on, both in our courses and in life.

I have actively contributed to this community by:

  • Providing detailed and constructive feedback on my peers’ assignments to help improve clarity, organization, and alignment with course objectives.
  • Engaging in discussions to clarify concepts and share insights from course readings.
  • Encouraging my peers to revise and refine their work by offering suggestions for improvement and alignment with best practices.
  • Taking detailed class notes and sharing them with my group, which was particularly valuable when a class recording was unavailable.

In addition to my core group interactions, I have also engaged with my classmates through weekly discussion posts and responses, ensuring that my contributions were thoughtful, reflective, and added value to the conversation.

Course Readings, Assignments, and Revisions

I have completed all course readings, videos, and supporting resources, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of key concepts. Additionally, I have demonstrated a commitment to growth by incorporating peer and instructor feedback into my assignments. Each revision has strengthened my work and deepened my understanding of the course material.

Supporting Contributions

Beyond meeting the key course requirements, I have:

  • Maintained a consistent posting schedule, submitting my initial discussion posts by Wednesday to allow for meaningful peer engagement.
  • Actively responded to classmates by providing insights, asking questions, and making connections to real-world classroom applications.
  • Ensured my responses were professional, formatted correctly with APA citations, and added depth to discussions.

Areas for Growth

While I have met all expectations, I recognize areas where I can improve:

  • Expanding my engagement beyond my core group to benefit from a wider range of perspectives.
  • Completing assignments earlier to allow for deeper revision and more time for peer feedback cycles.
  • Incorporating a greater variety of scholarly sources in my forum contributions to further strengthen my academic discussions.

Overall, I am proud of the contributions I have made to my learning and to the learning community in EDLD 5313. The collaborative environment has been invaluable, and I look forward to continuing to grow as a self-directed learner. By broadening my engagement, refining my time management, and enhancing my academic discussions, I aim to further strengthen my learning experience in future courses.

To view all of my assignments for Creating Significant Learning Environments (EDLD 5313), visit:
🔗 My Assignments


Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House.

Fink, L. D. (2013). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 9). Creating significant learning environments [Video]. Youtube.

TEDx Talks. (2012, September 13). A New Culture of Learning, Douglas Thomas at TEDxUFM [Video]. YouTube.

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change.CreateSpace.




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