Owning my story: how my ePortfolio is helping me grow


After diving head first into our assigned reading and bouncing ideas around with my absolutely fabulous group (seriously, they’re the best!!), I’m convinced I’m the true owner of my portfolio. Although it may be public and my professors may grade it, I own it. This is because it is not just the actual domain that I am considering my portfolio, but the entire journey. It is essentially a personal narrative, but a digital version. The lessons I have reflected on, the voice I am learning to use, the perspective and skills I have gained as well. Learning is a continuous journey and in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, adaptability is extremely important. I believe that lifelong learning means that we remain relevant and an ePortfolio gives me a platform to showcase my skills and hopefully inspire others. My ePortfolio will allow me to share my learning journey with a larger audience. I pray my love of learning shines through! - LM

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