Intimidation to Inspiration



When I first started reading about ePortfolios, I was honestly extremely intimidated. The thought of blogging terrified me. I am typically confident in my work. I take pride in what I do, so I complete tasks giving 100%. The creative freedom gave me anxiety! I needed step by steps instructions lol. When I started interviewing for teaching positions, a principal I worked closely with taught me the importance of a teaching portfolio. It gave the person interviewing you a glimpse into what it would look like in my classroom. So I created a binder full of lessons, rules, classroom management styles, communication strategies and so forth. I feel like that is what we are being asked to do now. I can see the importance of it from a prospective employer. It showcases your work and gives them insight as to what is important to you.

I think that showing my students what I have been working on also drives in my life long learner statement I share with them. I tell my students that I am always learning and just because you graduate does not mean you wont learn anything else. At the age of eight that is not something they love to hear but it will show them that I am practicing what I am preaching so to speak. In the future if I am out of the classroom and in the instructional technologist field, it will be a place for me to share information and resources. -LM


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