Applied Digital Learning- Week 10


Okay, so week 10 of ADL is here and things are getting real. On top of that, work is piling up and I'm feeling like I'm drowning in a sea of assignments. But I'm not freaking out -YET!

First things first, I am still working on catching up at work. When I'm falling behind, I feel like I get so overwhelmed. But I've learned that I've got to be kind to myself and focus on getting stuff done. So I have created a to-do list, and I keep from overwhelming myself by trying to do everything at once. Instead, I choose one task, take a deep breath, and begin.

I am not even going to lie, Audible has been a total lifesaver with this reading. I am able to listen to and from work which has been so convenient. I turned in part A of my influencer assignment and so far so good! I was given the green light to get started on part B. So at least I know I am working in the right direction. The growth mindset is still on the back burner for a few days. I have some questions for our professor and need some clarity before I go any further. I have a rough outline, just need to make sure I am covering what I am supposed to be.

So in short week 10 of ADL has been a smidge brutal but I am powering through it. I mean there is no turning back now! - LM


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